for beginners

What is the essence of yoga?

The main goal of yoga is enlightenment, the unification of spirit, mind and body. Yoga helps to know oneself and one's abilities, to find complete harmony of physical health and moral and spiritual beauty. In addition, it is an effective way to neutralize depression and stress, or just relax and unwind.This is some text inside of a div block.


Smirnov Igor

Professional Hatha Yoga Instructor
Hatha" in Sanskrit means "intensity", "effort", and yoga - "unity", "union", "fusion". This term is also considered as a word consisting of two syllables - ha tha, where ha means the mind and mental energy, and the syllable tha is pranic energy, the force of life.

Lu Saniatina

Professional Hatha Yoga Instructor
Hatha" in Sanskrit means "intensity", "effort", and yoga - "unity", "union", "fusion". This term is also considered as a word consisting of two syllables - ha tha, where ha means the mind and mental energy, and the syllable tha is pranic energy, the force of life.